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조항현(Jo Hang-Hyun) 프로필 이미지

조항현 부교수

Jo Hang-Hyun




통계물리학 복잡계 네트워크 과학


카이스트 물리학과에서 학·석·박사 학위를 받았다. 고등과학원 연구원, 핀란드 알토대학교 박사후연구원, 포스텍 연구교수, 아시아태평양이론물리센터 그룹장을 거친 후 2020년부터 가톨릭대학교 물리학과 교수로 재직 중이다. 통계물리학과 복잡계 연구의 다양한 주제들, 특히 자기조직화임계성(SOC), 네트워크 과학, 시계열분석, 사회물리학 등에 관심을 갖고 연구하고 있다. 미국, 일본, 핀란드, 헝가리 등의 연구자들과 활발히 국제공동연구를 하고 있으며 복잡계 분야의 주요 학회들에서 프로그램 커미티 멤버로 꾸준히 활동하고 있다. Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Nature Human Behaviour 등 영향력 있는 저널에 논문을 발표했으며 2018년에는 Bursty Human Dynamics라는 책을 공저하여 Springer에서 출판했다.
I received my PhD in physics department of KAIST. Since then I worked for KIAS (2006-2010), Aalto University (2010-2014), POSTECH (2014-2017), and APCTP (2017-2020) before joining The Catholic University of Korea in 2020. My research interests include various topics in statistical physics and complex systems, such as self-organized criticality, network science, time series analysis, and social physics. I have internationally collaborated with researchers in the USA, Japan, Finland, and Hungary, and I have also been invited as a program committee member from flagship conferences in the field of complex systems and network science.


2006.08.18 | 한국과학기술원 | 물리학과 | 이학박사


  • 2024.08 | 제1저자 | CHAOS, 제34권 8호
    Temporal scaling theory for bursty time series with clusters of arbitrarily many events
  • 2024.07 | 단독 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제110권 1호
    Exact solutions of the simplified March model for organizational learning
  • 2024.01 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 제84권 2호, pp.83-89
    Statistical properties of COVID-19 transmission intervals in Republic of Korea
  • 2023.12 | 교신저자 | EPJ DATA SCIENCE, 제12권 1호
    Multiple gravity laws for human mobility within cities
  • 2023.02 | 단독 | JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 제82권 4호, pp.430-435
    Copula-based analysis of the autocorrelation function for simple temporal networks
  • 2023.01 | 교신저자 | CHAOS, 제33권 1호
    Clustering and link prediction for mesoscopic COVID-19 transmission networks in Republic of Korea
  • 2022.12 | 제1저자 | CHAOS, 제32권 12호
    Copula-based analysis of the generalized friendship paradox in clustered networks
  • 2021.11 | 제1저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제104권 5호
    Analytical approach to the generalized friendship paradox in networks with correlated attributes
  • 2021.09 | 교신저자 | FRONTIERS IN BIG DATA, 제4권
    Deep Learning Exploration of Agent-Based Social Network Model Parameters
  • 2021.08 | 단독 | JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 제79권 4호, pp.407-411
    Numerical study on the deadline-concerning priority queuing model
  • 2021.07 | 교신저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제104권 1호
    Individual-driven versus interaction-driven burstiness in human dynamics: The case of Wikipedia edit history
  • 2021.07 | 제1저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제104권 1호
    Finite-size effects on the convergence time in continuous-opinion dynamics
  • 2021.04 | 교신저자 | EPJ DATA SCIENCE, 제10권 1호, pp.1-21
    Internal migration and mobile communication patterns among pairs with strong ties
  • 2021.04 | 공동저자 | PLOS ONE, 제16권 4호, pp.1-19
    Impact of environmental changes on the dynamics of temporal networks
  • 2020.07 | 제1저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제10권 1호
    Burst-tree decomposition of time series reveals the structure of temporal correlations
  • 2020.04 | 교신저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, 제2권, pp.023073-023073
    Modeling temporal networks with bursty activity patterns of nodes and links
  • 2020.01 | 공동저자 | PLOS ONE, 제15권 1호
    Link-centric analysis of variation by demographics in mobile phone communication patterns
  • 2019.10 | 공동저자 | NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR, 제3권 10호, pp.1078-1087
    Homophily and minority-group size explain perception biases in social networks
  • 2019.08 | 교신저자 | JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE, 제3권 1호, pp.1-17
    Different patterns of social closeness observed in mobile phone communication
  • 2019.08 | 제1저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제100권 2호
    Copula-based algorithm for generating bursty time series
  • 2019.07 | 단독 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제100권 1호
    Analytically solvable autocorrelation function for weakly correlated interevent times
  • 2019.06 | 교신저자 | PLOS ONE, 제14권 6호
    Gravity model explained by the radiation model on a population landscape
  • 2019.05 | 공동저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제99권 5호
    Sampling networks by nodal attributes
  • 2019.05 | 교신저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제99권 5호
    Impact of perception models on friendship paradox and opinion formation
  • 2019.03 | 공동저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제9권 1호
    Structural transition in social networks: The role of homophily
  • 2018.12 | 교신저자 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 제8권 1호
    Correlated bursts in temporal networks slow down spreading
  • 2018.12 | 제1저자 | COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 제1권 1호
    Waveforms of molecular oscillations reveal circadian timekeeping mechanisms
  • 2018.08 | 교신저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제98권 2호
    Hierarchical burst model for complex bursty dynamics
  • 2018.06 | 제1저자 | PHYSICA A, 제500권, pp.23-39
    Stylized facts in social networks: Community-based static modeling
  • 2018.03 | 제1저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제97권 3호
    Limits of the memory coefficient in measuring correlated bursts
  • 2017.12 | 공동저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제96권 6호
    Chaos and unpredictability in evolution of cooperation in continuous time
  • 2017.12 | 단독 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제96권 6호
    Modeling correlated bursts by the bursty-get-burstier mechanism
  • 2017.08 | 공동저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 제96권 2호
    Jamming transitions induced by an attraction in pedestrian flow
  • 2016.12 | 제1저자 | PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 제463권, pp.282-292
    Dynamical complexity in the perception-based network formation model
  • 2015.07 | 공동저자 | PLOS ONE, 제10권 7호
    Effects of switching behavior for the attraction on pedestrian dynamics
  • 2014.03 | 제1저자 | PHYSICAL REVIEW X, 제4권 1호
    Analytically solvable model of spreading dynamics with Non-Poissonian processes
  • 2023.04 | 공동 | 에이콘
    네트워크 사이언스
  • 2023.01 | 공동 | 에이콘(에이콘출판주식회사)
  • 2018.01 | 공동 | Springer International Publishing
    Bursty Human Dynamics